The Bechdon Company, LLC

Bechdon provides precision CNC machining services, CAD/CAM part programming, assembly of components and structures, mechanical inspection, and maintains a network of qualified and approved suppliers to meet all surface coating needs.

The Bechdon Company, LLC
1901 Legacy Drive
Hampstead, Maryland 21074
Phone: (301) 249-0900 Fax: (301) 249-0919

The Bechdon Company, LLC, located in the Baltimore/Washington area has been serving the Aerospace, Defense, Commercial, and Industrial manufacturing community since 1966.

Our company offers a broad range of Precision Machining services including 5-axis capability on machines with travels to 196 inches and 24,000 RPM, as well as Wire EDM.

Additionally Bechdon is capable of producing large mechanically assembled fabrications, including Transportation Dollies, Test Fixtures, Missile Structures/Sub-assemblies and Aircraft Radar Mounts, to name a few.

Bechdon’s quality management system is ISO 9001:2015 certified. Assessments are performed by BSI Group America Inc.

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